I find shooting doctors and healthcare professionals at work both inspiring and exciting. From capturing surgeries and medical procedures in hospitals and clinics to research laboratories and medical technology, the work is varied and always interesting. When I’m shooting a doctor interacting with a patient I am making every effort to convey the drama of the moment, the emotion and vulnerability of the patient, the dedication and compassion of the caregiver. Healthcare photography is a very specialized field because it requires a good understanding of medical environments and ever-changing lighting conditions, a strong sense of timing and the ability to minimize one’s presence in a host of situations. Since most hospitals, clinics and research centers repurpose my images in their marketing materials, websites, annual reports and social media sites, having a critical appreciation of how the images will be used and shooting accordingly is key for me. In my years photographing healthcare I have developed a great appreciation for what medical professionals do and enjoy bringing that passion and professionalism to life.